Starfighter's Cool Website written in the old Doom font Old Windows 95 icon of an connecting modem

Component Brand Model Year
Reciever Denon DRA-75VR 1987
Cassette deck Pioneer CT-W700R 1989
CD player Technics SL-P210 1986
Turntable Thorens TD 166 Mk II 1992
Equalizer Technics SH-E85 1991

Animated gif - A boombox blinking

These are the components of my stereo system, click on them for more details:

Turntable - Thorens TD166
Equalizer - Technics SH-E85
CD player - Technics SL-P210
Cassette deck - Pioneer CT-W700R
Reciever - Denon DRA-75VR Discogs Vinyl Engine Hifi Engine Tapeheads Vintage Cassettes