Starfighter's Cool Website Old Windows 95 icon of an connecting modem

ılılıll LeGaLiZe LiViNg llılılı Animated gif - A hacker, hacking away at their computer

th3 w0rld wid3 w3b is a mysteri0us plac3 full 0f w0nd3r and p0ssibiliti3s
d0n't l3t big br0th3r t3ll y0u 0therwis3

Animated gif - A psychedelic mushroom Animated gif - A spinning 3D skull Animated gif - A psychedelic mushroom

Animated gif - Old Windows 95 icon with a red arrow pointing at a harddrive d0wnl0ad WannaCry for fr33

Hacker Secrets CD - Learn how to hack with step by step keystroke by keystroke instructions...