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1997: Freedom Is Out Of Sight

Freedom Is Out Of Sight

LP, 1997

Info on Discogs | Listen on YouTube


1/25 Jag vägrar lyssna

Era regler tilltalar mig inte
Så jag skiter i ert jävla samhällssystem

Jag vägrar lyssna på er idioti

Lägg er inte i mitt liv era jävlar
Jag hatar allt ert jävla snack

The government is bullshit. All governments are bullshit. Yet they are trying to indoctrinate you from all of their propaganda machines. I am sick and tired of it. I refuse to listen anymore. They certainly don't care about me, so why should I have to justify myself to them?


2/25 Splittrad scen

En enad scen med olika läger
Samma mål, men vi slåss mot varann

Delad scen, splittrad scen

Ett inbördeskrig utan vinnare
Utom systemet vi försöker förändra

Why, why, why do you have to point fingers all the time? Why do you want to divide the scene? Sometimes political correctness just goes over to plain old fascism. We cannot all think and act the same. By trying to exclude people from the scene for just being slightly different than you weaken our strength. Sxe core, punk, crust grund - whatever - it's all punkrock to me. Together we could be strong...


3/25 Förändring sker inte över en natt

Du sopar skiten under mattan
och skjuter upp problemen till en annan dag

Med ett nyårslöfte blir allting bra
jag behöver inte göra nåt själv

Lägger över ansvaret på andra
har inte förstått att det är upp till dig själv

En övertro
på systemets krafter
Du tar inte tag
i ditt eget liv

Things do not change by themselves. Just because you want them to or by telling people that you want to change something. In order to change your life you have to work with it everyday. It's just like those drunken promises on new years eve - mostly it's just talking because it's very much harder actually doing something.


4/25 Happy happy Halloween

En ny bemärkelsedag för detaljhandeln
Kulturimperialismen firar nya triumfer

Importerad tradition...
...för hjärndöd konsumtion

Utskurna pumpor och draculatänder
konstlad högtid byggd på manipulation

Well. The year is 1997. Suddenly all magazines is all about pumpkins, dressing like vampires and getting drunk. Suddenly all is about celebrating Halloween like the Americans do. All of a sudden all magazines and newspapers is referring to Halloween as an old tradition in Sweden. Last year I didn't even know anyone who celebrated that here. And yet another "tradition" has been created without having anything to do with our culture. Happy, happy Halloween - happy, happy corporate world. Selling all those pumpkins and silly costumes certainly must generate a lot of money, don't you think?


5/25 Den registrerande maskinen

Den registrerande maskinen
håller koll på oppositionen

Anordna, rangordna, skapa register

Ytterligare ett bevis på statens förtryck
det fria tänkandet kvävt i sin linda

I almost don't dare to think of how much the state really is keeping track of it's citizens through all of their computers and databases. Running a crosscheck between all of their different databases basically would reveal your whole life for whoever is doing that. Orwell didn't know how right he would be...


6/25 Omedveten lobotomi

Falska budskap för försäljning
sår en rosa dröm i konsumentens hjärna

Det måste vara bra - jag såg det på TV!

Enkla slagord hamras in
legal hjärntvätt i marknadens namn

Det måste vara bra - jag läste det på en pelare!

Advertisement - how the corporate world control our thoughts. We all see all of those messages everywhere of what we should like and what we should think. It's scary how much it influences us - even us punks. Whether you like it or not, seeing things often makes you accept them as norm, and then we are brainwashed into yet another trend. Try to think about it when you choose between things to buy or if you should buy something. Do you really need this thing? Is this really the best one or is it just the one you are used to seeing everywhere?


7/25 Industrialismens arvtagare

Underkuva dom fria tankarna
innan dom ens är tänkta

Formad från födseln:
en åsiktsbefriad maskin

Industrialismens arvtagare
En plastförpackad generation

Modern day society has an easy job of controlling its people. The state has never had it so easy. Instead of having to force people in line, now people are forcing each other. Who is different is bad, and since almost everyone lives in front of his or her TV set it's so very, very easy to control him or her.


8/25 Inga mål, ingen framtid

Det är ett jävla skitliv, ett jävla pissliv
För den stora majoriteten är det mesta skit
Ett krig i tillvaron, njutning omöjlig
Livet - en otröstlig kamp mot samhället
Inga mål, ingen framtid
Ingen ljusning, ingen framtid
För varje år bara mera bitterhet
Ett offer för marknadsmässig repression

Jag spottar på er rådande samhällsstruktur!

We have no future. We have no hope. At least I don't really see the end of the tunnel. Every year I loose a bit of my faith. I wonder how soon I finally give up?


9/25 Skyldig till mord

Du ger inte ett skit för folk som dör
för nu är det fredag, du ska ju koppla av

Skyldig till mord - mördare!
Skyldig till mord - mördare!

Hur fan tror du en fredakväll
ser ut i Kurdistan, ditt jävla svin??

It's so sick to what extent we lack of empathy. On Fridays we first watch the 6 o'clock news, thinking about how horrible that war is, or how scary that disaster was, and then we go out to party. Do we really care? Do anyone bother to care anymore? We ar really disgusting creatures.


10/25 Industrialiserad natur

Ett område planterade träd är ingen skog

Industrialiserad natur

Det är som att kalla en fotbollsplan för äng

Not only do we destroy the places we decide to build cities at, but also Urbanism with all its demans (energy, heat, gas, oil etc) destroys the rest of the planet. We are soon left with a burnt out factory instead of a planet.


11/25 Diskonto anno '93

Bomberna haglar
Oj vad dom regnar

I huvet på barn
Kvinnor och barn

Faller och sprängs
Faller och sprängs

Diskonto humor... Öhmm... What can be said. A joke with us by us about our early lyrics which in turn made fun of the crust scene at that time. Probably we will be the only ones who are getting the joke anyway so who cares...


12/25 Nuclear

A children die in a nuclear war

Nuclear... war!
Nuclear... fuck off!

Cover of an Aparat song. What is there to be said...?


13/25 Antarktis

Miljarder $ i naturtillgångar
ligger bara och väntar under evig is

Borra upp hela skiten!
Färga isen svart!

Den sista orörda vildmarken måste offras
för att göda vårt döende system

Internationally "owned" parts of the planet are about the only not exploited parts of the earth, and they are the next in line to be destroyed by man and it's greed. Can we really have that happen? And since the answer for that is obviously "no" - how do we stop it?


14/25 Modeindustrin

Alla era modetrender kan rakt av dra åt helvete!

Nya kläder varje säsong
Vilket jävla resursslöseri

Modeindustrin - en mordindustri

Afrikas skogar berövas på liv
Av bomullsblekeriernas jävla klorin

The fashion industry is one of the most destructive industries there is. Every sixth month our whole wardrobe has to be changed for new modern and fashionable clothes because the old ones are no longer considered to be modern enough. What a waste of resources! And it's not stopping there, because in order to produce these unnecessary pieces of clothing children are forced to work under horrible pressure and the bleaching of the cotton kills sea after sea, forest after forest, etc... Fuck fashion!


15/25 Demokrati eller fascism?

Din rösträtt är bara ytterligare en boja
Ett andningshål i en lufttät kuvös

Eran jävla demokrati
har jag aldrig varit mycket för

Fascism är när dom få styr dom många
Demokrati är när dom många styr dom få

Västvärldens geniala uppfinning
ser ut som det ena, är det andra

What major media as "democracy" usually refers to is not democracy but very well hidden fascism. So well hidden that most people will never even notice. And they are loading the word democracy with so much positive value so that everyone saying that their kind of "democracy" is not what the want will look like terrorists, fascists or something equally bad. Fuck democracy if it is to be like this. Give us freedom!


16/25 Svenssonrasism

Dom med rakat huvud
är inte dom enda att prejudicera
Misskreditera och trakassera
på grund av folks hud

Sitter i soffan och talar blint
om rasåtskillnad och segregering
Formar en växande generation
till den svenska rasismens språkrör

I fikarummet på arbetsplatsen
frodas unken svenssonrasism
Den svenska rasismen skapas i hemmet
och pådyvlas en ny generation

The most dangerous type of racism is not the one practiced by skinheads and other nazi morons, but the one practiced by "ordinary" people in their homes. For example stuff like that a majority of the people comments colored people when they appear on TV, that they say that their and their friend's unemployment is the effect of immigration etc. All of this they do in front of their kids. And this in turn creates a new generation filled with hate, anger and fear for people of other cultural groups than themselves.


17/25 Hur fan kan vi?

För att hålla matpriserna uppe
dumpas tusentals ton mat varje år

Hur fan kan vi stödja
ett sånt jävla system?

Vi importerar mat från svältande länder
och exporterar vapen

The same system we support by living in it and not causing damage to is destroying the earth and it's inhabitants everywhere. Food is destroyed to keep the prices up, yet at the same time millions are starving. We take food from countries in Africa and South America, and in return we give them weapons to kill each other. We truly deserve to be destroyed.


18/25 Trångsynt

Alla som inte kämpar på ert sätt
kämpar fel - fan va trångsynt!

Vi är på samma sida
Varför så jävla rädd för kontakt?

We have to stop caring about small differences between us. There is neither possible nor desirable that we are all alike, what matters is that what we want is something mostly alike. Through our variety and unity we can accomplish a lot!


19/25 Sexmånaderscykler

Vaknar med ett ryck
när väckarklockan ringer
Ytterligare en själsdödande arbetsdag

Sex månader ALU
Sex månader KAS

Prostituerar mig själv
på ett jobb jag inte valt
Slår av alla mina känslor mellan 8 till 5

Every day, every month, every year the same thing... If this is life then I don't want it. Working for someone else's profit really kills the soul.


20/25 Ett helt okej helvete

För mig är en varaktig, lycklig relation
om jag lyckas snacka med en brud i över en kvart

Fått låna ihop stålar till hyran som vanligt
två veckor kvar till kas, 40 år till pension

Inget i livet har nånsin lyckats för mig
men när jag tänker tillbaka har det varit rätt okej

Modern life sucks. Maybe that is true for not so modern life too? Maybe that's true for all life? As Shopenhauer said: "life hovers between agony and despair". But still we go on...


21/25 Idealförlust på gamla dar

Allt ni hävde ur er, allt ni proklamerade
Alla era teser var det bara snack?

Don't do it yourself - let EMI do it!

Med scenen som födde er har ni skapat alla band
Börjar ni bli gamla och oroliga för pensionen?

When Chumbawamba signed to EMI I was pretty upset. I really liked them back in the 80ties and way into the 90ties too for that matter. I even respected them. It's painful when those who you think high of starts to mingle with the enemy. It's painful when those who might have even inspired yourself at some point in your life shows that they wasn't serious. We must not let the major corporations take over our scene! If a band signs a major label then they should be considered as traitors. Chumbawamba was probably getting worried about not getting their 15 minutes of fame and wealth, so they did what was needed to get there. It makes me sick. They still try to fool people that they are anarchists, and have the same ideals, but being on the soundtrack to "Home Alone 3" says something else, doesn't it? Fuck all major labels and fuck all sellouts. There's no business like NO BUSINESS!


22/25 Välfärdens byggstenar

Mänskligheten har skapat 15 miljoner onaturliga ämnen

Vår välfärd är byggd på naturens död

Det vi kallar tillväxt är utarmning av naturens resurser

Our society is built upon the destruction of the environment. How do you think new riches can be put into society all the time? They're not just materializing out of nothing, that's for sure. Everything we produce for our convenience is made taken from the earth resources. We must end this extreme consumption of ours before it's too late!


23/25 Why did they bomb us?

Cover of the Japanese classic HC band Samurai System. They are great.


24/25 Från Bondegatan till Malmskillnadsgatan

Expressens fredag och Slitz på lördag
Mittuppslaget är redan bokat

Från Bondegatan till Malmskillnadsgatan

Lirar rock'n'roll för riktiga fans
Bindefeldt, Bjurman, Hjelte, Linda Norrman-Skugge

Yeah, this "punk rawk" explosion really got it this time. Now everyone is listening to Hellacopters, Gluecifer, Turbonegro, and without saying that these are bad bands (because they are not), is it really cool that every fashion-trendy-reporter is trying to write about punk as if they really cared about it? Is really stupid television talk shows where punk is to be spread?


25/25 Jag lyssnar fortfarande inte


Ain't improving on that either. Fuck the system.