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1/9 Fear Of The War
The air-raid siren rings
Seized with fear
Women and children are thrown around
2/9 War Is Insanity
There is only pain and hate
On the battlefield
War is insanity
Soldiers burn down villages
That is unjust
3/9 In Agony
Millions suffer, millions die
Children cry and scream
Millions cry, millions bleed
4/9 Future Extinction
People are engulfed in flames
Corpses lie one upon another
No people left, just their ghosts
Future extinction
Children shot down and covered in blood
5/9 The Aspects Of War
Sorrow and anger
Aspects of war
Futility and lawlessnes
6/9 Why Isn't There War?
Many people think a war is immoral
But the war never exist
Why isn't there war
The war has existed since old times
And it will do in the future
7/9 Endless War
People massacre and destroy people again and again
Endless war, endless fighting
It seems as if they continue this forever
8/9 Torture II
Fingers, ears and nails of prisoners are cut
This act makes them disclose
Put a prisoner's head into water and pull the bayonet over their throats
9/9 Conquest
The country was conquered by invaders
World conquest
The people are tortured, cities and homes destroyed
And for what?